187 people found
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Anatoly Shalyto
Russian computer scientist
Sergey Brin
American computer scientist and Internet entrepreneur
Andrey Kolmogorov
Soviet mathematician
Pavel Durov
Russian entrepreneur
George Yury Right
Fantasy and sci-fi writer, anti-sex proponent
Vitalii Lytvynov
Soviet and Ukrainian scientist in the field of computer science
Nikolay Leonidovitsj Prochorov
informáticu teóricu rusu
Alexander Kronrod
Russian mathematician and computer scientist
Volodymyr Nazarenko
Viktor Batovrin
russischer Informatiker
Anton Nosik
Russian journalist
Sergey Nikolenko
Russian computer scientist
Alexej Stachowitsch
Russian teacher, liedermacher, engineering technologist and scouting
Eugene Kaspersky
Russian specialist in the information security field
Yuri Matiyasevich
Russian mathematician and computer scientist
Alexander Mikov
Russian mathematician
Andriy Yerokhin
Ashot Petrosian
Armenian mathematician
Gary Vaynerchuk
Belarusian-American entrepreneur, Social Media Investor
Sergey Yablonsky
Russian mathematician
Artemiy Jurevitsj Lomov
russischer Webentwickler
Ilya Perekopsky
Alexey Pajitnov
Russian video game designer and computer engineer
Alexander Lavut
Russian mathematician, programmer and human rights activist
Pavel Vrublevsky
Russian programmer
Anatoliy Kushnirenko
Russian mathematician
Volodymyr Kazimir
Soviet and Ukrainian military man and computer scientist
Vadym Slyusar
Talgat Seifi
Soviet aircraft engineer, scientist and technologist
Georgy Adelson-Velsky
Russian mathematician
Dmytro Lande
Boris Schedrin
Soviet mathematician
Vladimir Gerdt
Svyatoslav Lavrov
Russian mathematician
Isaak Bruk
Russian computer scientist
Leonid Levin
Russian mathematician
Gennady Lebedev
Andrey Breslav
Russian computer scientist
Grigori Mints
Russian mathematician
Oleg Kovalyshyn
Volunteer of the Donbas Battalion