210 people found
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Jerzy Michta
Polish heraldist
Franciszek Sawaniewski
Polish tailor
Lucjan Janiszewski
Polish hairdresser
Aleksandr Tokarski
Henryk Zielonka
Polish tailor
Jan Wojcicki
Polish tailor
Adam Wiater
Polish tailor
Martyna Sobolewska
Polish model
Majer Belfer
Joseph Szerman
Polish tailor
Chaim Cymes
Waldemar Pokromski
Makeup artist (born 1946)
Franek Vetulani
David Goodman
Father of jazz musicians Benny Goodman, Harry Goodman, and Irving Goodman
Bolesław Kamykowski
Polish set and costume designer
Henrique Nussenbaum
Person identified in the Museu da Pessoa collection
Gerard Sutarzewicz
Polish actor and model
Jan Karol Dachnowski
Polski heraldyk i panegirysta
Mordekhai Plakhta
Victim of the Holocaust
Zelig Fogelhut
Victim of the Holocaust
Shlomo Pastek
Victim of the Holocaust
Alter Rokhman
Victim of the Holocaust
Mordekhai Shefler
Victim of the Holocaust
Tzvi Levkovitz
Victim of the Holocaust
Yaakov Pshenitzer
Victim of the Holocaust
Pinkhas Shlamkovitz
Victim of the Holocaust
Frantzisk Farkash
Victim of the Holocaust
Dov Biar
Victim of the Holocaust
Pinkhas Plotzkin
Victim of the Holocaust
Avraham Pres
Victim of the Holocaust
Avraham Proshovski
Victim of the Holocaust
Yehuda Plovinski
Victim of the Holocaust
Yitzkhak Lufar
Victim of the Holocaust
Meir Itzkovitz
Victim of the Holocaust
Berl Mitelpunkt
Victim of the Holocaust
Yaakov Perl
Victim of the Holocaust
Aharon Peso
Victim of the Holocaust
Yaakov Falbinski
Victim of the Holocaust
Anchel Piasechni
Victim of the Holocaust
Abram Pshepiorka
Victim of the Holocaust