1,022 people found
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Józef Gosławski (sculptor)
Polish sculptor and medallic artist

Edmund Burke
Polish painter and graphic artist

Samuel Willenberg
Polish-born sculptor and Holocaust survivor, participant at the revolt and escape at Treblinka extermination cap

Evgeny Gritsyak
Ukrainian politician

Günter Grass
German novelist, poet, playwright, illustrator, graphic artist, sculptor

Chaim Goldberg
Polish artist

Shelomo Selinger
French-israeli sculptor

Alice Miller
Swiss psychologist

Jacques Hnizdovsky
American artist

Gershon Iskowitz
Canadian artist

Juliusz Starzyński
Polish art historian

Andrzej Ciechanowiecki
Polish art historian

Jerzy Krasowski
Polish actor

Józef Mroszczak
Polish artist

Janusz Bersz

Henryk Chmielewski (comics)
Polish comic book artist and journalist

Roman Sykała
Polish actor

Alexander Zaytsev
Russian painter

Hilary Krzysztofiak
Polish artist

Zbigniew Bielewicz
Polish artist, painter, graphic artist and teacher

Eugeniusz Lokajski
Polish javelin thrower

Władysław Woźnik
Polski aktor i reżyser

Wilhelm Brasse
Polish photographer

Jack Tworkov
American artist

David Seymour
Polish photographer and photojournalist

Leokadia Serafinowicz
Children's theater director (b. 1915, d. 2007)

Esther Nisenthal Krinitz
Polish artist

Urszula Kolaczkowska
Polish fine artist who specialized in hand weaving and textile arts

Jan Graczyk
Polish sculptor

Jerzy Tomaszewski (photographer)
Polish photographer

Klara Prillowa
Polish sculptor

Szymon Kobyliński
Polski grafik, dziennikarz

Zygmunt Świechowski

Volodymyr Kashytsky
Ukrainian patron

Alfred Krupa
Polish-Yugoslavian painter, art teacher, sportsman and inventor

Julian Stanczak
American artist

Herbert Sandberg
German artist and caricaturist

Maria Papa Rostkowska
Polish-born sculptor

Kuzma Churyla

Wanda Tomczykowska
Polish art critic