28 people found
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Alfred Ewert
Wojciech Basik
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Kalmen Wewryk
Polish carpenter
Jerzy Gaworski
Polish carpenter
Zygmunt Zdziejowski
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Aleksander Psujek
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Stanislaw Kulisiewicz
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Pranas Karalevicius
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Leon Kowarzyk
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Henryk Jaworski
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Franciszek Balul
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Tzvi Vaksman
Victim of the Holocaust
Yisrael Fogel
Victim of the Holocaust
Ben Muskal
Victim of the Holocaust
Gerson Pshevoznitzki
Victim of the Holocaust
Yitzkhak Polak
Victim of the Holocaust
Ptakhia Praker
Victim of the Holocaust
Tzvi Golomb
Victim of the Holocaust
Khaim Peretz
Victim of the Holocaust
Khaim Flastershtein
Victim of the Holocaust
Itzik Pokoiek
Victim of the Holocaust
Khaim Farkash
Victim of the Holocaust
Meir Grinberg
Victim of the Holocaust
Leib Zayantz
Victim of the Holocaust
Moshe Tzviker
Victim of the Holocaust
Eli Iudkes
Victim of the Holocaust
Gdaliyahu Chertok
Victim of the Holocaust
Zoltan Iunger
Victim of the Holocaust
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