22 people found
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Astri Riddervold
Norwegian ethnologist and cook
Kari Innerå
Norwegian gourmet chef
Monica Berg
Norwegian bartender
Ingrid Espelid Hovig
Norwegian chef
Martha Wiborg Fleischer
Norwegian Author
Elin Vatnar Nilsen
Margit Dale
Anne Hov
Gunn Eriksen
Norwegian chef
Elisabet Truchs
Norwegian cook
Nina Sjøen
Norwegian cook
Karla Linhave Siverts
Norwegian chef
Gunnhild Seljenes
Norwegian barista
Wenche Andersen
Norwegian television chef
Aase Strømstad
Norwegian cook
Charlotte Mohn
Norwegian cook
Mina Thiis
Norwegian houshold teacher and cookbook writer
Svarta Bjorn
Norwegian cook
Annemari Erlbeck
Norwegian cook
Lise Finckenhagen
Norwegian cook
Gry Kirsti Skjønhaug
Badminton player
Åse Kongsvik
Kokk og kokebokforfattar
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