41 people found
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Svein Gundersen
Norwegian actor and scenographer
Alexey Zaitzow
Norwegian film director
Tormod Lindgren
Norsk scenograf, regissør, dukkedesigner, kostymedesigner, lysdesigner og videokunstner
Hans Petter Harboe
Alfredo Andersen
Per Lekang
Norwegian actor and scenographer
Kai Fjell
Norwegian artist
Anders Krigsvoll
Per Mørk
Norwegian scenographer
Willie Nordrå
Norwegian graphic artist
Per Schwab
Norwegian theatre director
Kjell Stormoen
Norwegian actor
Guy Krohg
Norwegian artist
Crispin Gurholt
Norwegian painter and scenographer
Einar Dahl
Norwegian scenographer
Paal Ritter Schjerven
Norwegian photographer and scenographer
Rolf Alme
Norwegian scenographer
Aage Dedekam
Norwegian scenographer
Arne Nøst
Norwegian theatre director
Paul René Gauguin
Norwegian painter/graphic artist/sculptor/illutrator
Tom Berre
Norwegian scenographer
Dag Frogner
Egil Sætren
Norwegian actor
Karel Hlavatý
Tsjekkisk scenograf og regissør som virket i Norge fra 1969
Ferdinand Finne
Norwegian artist
Helge Hoff Monsen
Norwegian scenographer
Per Kristian Solbakken
Norwegian scenographer
Olav Myrtvedt
Norwegian scenographer
Snorre Tindberg
Norwegian scenographer
Oliver Neerland
Noors kunstschilder (1881-1960)
Erik Annar Evensen
Norwegian painter
Erik Hagen
Billy Johansson
Norwegian actor and scenographer
Luboš Hrůza
Norwegian scenographer
Frode Krohg
Norwegian scenographer
Arne Walentin
Norwegian scenographer, born 1915
Egil Storeide
Norwegian scenographer
John Kristian Alsaker
Norwegian scenographer
Gunnar Alme
Norwegian painter and scenographer
Herman Bendixen
Noors kunstschilder (1919-1977)