1,309 people found
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Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands
Spouse of Queen Juliana of the Netherlands, prince-consort of the Netherlands
Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema
Dutch wartime pilot, spy and writer
Joop den Uyl
Dutch politician
Cor Groot
Olympic sailor
Willemiena Bouwman
Dutch resistance fighter
Wolfgang Frommel
German author
Tina Strobos
Dutch physician and psychiatrist; rescuer of Holocaust refugees, named one of the Righteous Among the Nations
Frieda Belinfante
Dutch-American conductor and resistance fighter
Jacoba van Tongeren
Dutch resistance fighter in WW II
Carolina Bunjes-Rosenthal
Dutch antifascist
Frans Goedhart
Dutch politician
Peter Churchill
SOE agent
Raymond Westerling
Dutch military commander
Rudy Albert Blatt
Dutch military personnel and Engelandvaarder
Johannes Albertus Walter
Dutch SOE agent
Jacq van den Berg
Olympic sailor
Derk-Elsko Bruins
Dutch military officer; recipient of the Knight's Cross
Johannes Arnoldus van Bijnen
Dutch resistance fighter
Anthony Luteyn
Dutch army officer
Ted Meines
Dutch resistance fighter
Antonius Johannes Wegner
Dutch SOE agent, who died at Mauthausen
Walle Nauta
Dutch-American neuroanatomist
Ds. Rinze Douma
Karel August Mans
Dutch resistance fighter
Tom Gehrels
Wim van Norden
Dutch journalist
Lau Mazirel
Dutch lawyer
Gerritdina Benders-Letteboer
Dutch resistance fighter
Sam Timmers Verhoeven
Dutch resistance fighter
Leendert Marinus Valstar
Dutch resistance fighter
Jan de Koning
Dutch politician
Harry van Kruiningen
Dutch visual artist and etcher
Josephas Adriaansen
Dutch resistance fighter
Cees de Jong
Boy Edgar
Dutch conductor, pianist and trumpeter
Ko Suurhoff
Dutch politician
Flip Keegstra
Olympic sailor
Jaap Helder
Olympic sailor
Chris van Oosterzee
Dutch resistance fighter
Johannes ter Horst
Dutch resistance fighter