534 people found
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Rien de Roller
Dutch visual artist
Thera Hofstede Crull
Dutch ceramist and jewelry designer
Cor Vos
Dutch metalsmith, jewelry designer and painter
Marinus Johannes Drulman
Joop den Holder
Nederlands beeldhouwer (1912-1994)
Catharina Goeting
Nederlandse kunstschilder
Gradus van Eden
Nederlands beeldhouwer en schilder (1920-2003)
Wim van Wieringen
Annie Borst Pauwels
Nederlandse schilder, graficus en tekenaar
Jenny Dalenoord
Dutch painter and illustrator
Karel Suyling
Dutch graphic designer
Lies Westenburg
Dutch television director
Ella Riemersma
Dutch graphic designer and illustrator
Fiep Westendorp
Dutch illustrator
Werner Löwenhardt
Dutch graphic designer
Cees Dekker
Dutch artist
Ben van Voorn
Dutch visual artist
Rini Otte
Dutch actor, film actor, sculptor and illustrator
Nel Kluitman
Dutch painter
Sedje Hemon
Nederlands beeldend kunstenares (1923-2001)
Kees Verhoeven
Max Velthuijs
Dutch painter, illustrator and writer
Piet Klaasse
Dutch illustrator (1918-2001)
Sander Stols
Dutch graphic designer
Carel Bruens
Stained-glass artist from the Netherlands
Piet te Lintum
Dutch painter, columnist, illustrator and draughtsperson
Neeltje Elizabeth Nannenga-Bremekamp
Dutch botanist and mycologist
Antonie Kleijn
Dutch mayor
Sal Koster
Nederlands beeldend kunstenaar
Bob Noorda
Dutch graphic designer
Helmut Salden
Dutch graphic designer (1910-1996)
Nico de Haas
Dutch artist
Fritz Behrendt
Dutch cartoonist
Wally Elenbaas
Dutch photographer, painter and sculptor
Vera van Hasselt
Dutch sculptor, medallist and draughtsperson
Karel Thole
Dutch painter
Dick Dooijes
Dutch type designer and typographer (1909-1998)
Huib van Krimpen
Dutch graphic designer
Piet Marée
Dutch artist
Nan Platvoet
Dutch graphic artist and graphic designer (1909-1975)