118 people found
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Mathieu Heemelaar
Dutch teacher and politician
Patrick Nieuwenhuyse
Dutch writer and teacher
Sam Pormes
Dutch teacher and politician
Ronny Kabus
Hans Renner
Drs., b. 1946
Bubb Kuyper
Dutch teacher and antiquarian seller
Ton van Vlimmeren
Xander van Eck
Dutch art historian, 1962-
Leon van den Broek
Nederlands wiskundige
Cyrille Oswald
Jeroen Baten
Open Source expert
Iván Bába
Hungarian politician
Nico Meijer
Dutch children's writer and teacher
Joep van Deudekom
Dutch comedian
Peter Winkels
Dutch writer and television presenter
Jan Nuyts
Jan Nuyts, professor, Linguistics Department, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Alex Fedde Kalverboer
Piet van der Laan
Nederlands onderwijzer (1935-2017)
Gerard Mom
Nederlands onderwijzer (1950-2018)
Wim de Knijff
Dutch presenter / journalist
Graa Boomsma
Dutch writer and teacher
Stefan Kuks
Nederlands onderwijzer
Jan de Kruijff
Nederlands musicoloog, journalist en docent
Wim Klinkert
B. 12-19-60
Frans Lutters
Dutch teacher
Armand Mevis
Hans Hermes
Visual artist from the Netherlands
Andreas de Boer
Former head teacher at Myrtus College and De Heemgaard in Apeldoorn, Netherlands
Ruud J. Bunnik
Dutch priest and English teacher
Jan Coppens
Henk Arendsen
Visual artist, sculptor, painter
Arthur de Rijk
Jewelry designer and gallerist
R.A. Basart
Dutch author
Wouter van Raamsdonk
Dutch historian, 1938-
Ton Visser
Politician from the Netherlands
Leon Veerman
Sculptor from the Netherlands
Jan van Kasteren
Dutch actor and teacher
Sjouke Mauw
Eindhoven Univ. of Technol., Dept. of Computing Sci