36 people found
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Aliefka Bijlsma
Dutch writer
Rosie Stapel
Réalisatrice, productrice, directrice artistique et scénariste néerlandaise
Eva Smid
Actrice, productrice et scénariste néerlandaise
Miriam Kruishoop
Dutch film director and film producer
Natascha van Weezel
Dutch writer and film maker
Anne Barnhoorn
Nederlandse scenarioschrijver en regisseur
Maud Wiemeijer
Dutch screen writer and writer
Lisa Weeda
Kim van Kooten
Dutch actress and screenwriter
Anne de Clercq
Dutch film director, television director and screenwriter
Zara Dwinger
Dutch director and screenwriter
Jantiene de Kroon
Dutch screenwriter
Saskia Diesing
Dutch film director and screenwriter
Nicole van Nierop
Dutch actor and screenwriter
Simone Kome-van Breugel
Dutch screenwriter and writer
Mea de Jong
Dutch actor and film actor
Ari Deelder
Director and filmmaker
Catherine van Campen
Director and filmmaker
Nynke de Jong
Dutch columnist
Margot Schaap
Film director
Rosanne Pel
Nina Gantz
Dutch film director
Vinca Kruk
Film maker from the Netherlands
Marit Brugman
Dutch vlogger
Dana Nechushtan
Dutch screenwriter and film director
Tamar van den Dop
Dutch actress and director
Joosje Duk
Dutch actress
Esther Rots
Dutch film producer and screenwriter
Beri Shalmashi
Dutch screenwriter, poet and film director
Carolina Trujillo
Writer and screenwriter from Uruguay- Netherlands.
Sarah Domogala
Dutch director
Fatihya Abdi
Politician from the Netherlands
Jantien van der Meer
Dutch screenwriter and writer
Glynis Terborg
Dutch actor and writer
Tallulah Hazekamp Schwab
Noors/Nederlandse filmregisseuse en scenarioschrijfster
Fleur Boonman
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