23 people found
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J.H. Speenhoff
Dutch poet, writer and cabaret artist
Chiel de Boer
Dutch cabaret artist
Alex de Haas
Nederlands graficus (1896-1973)
Louis Davids
Dutch cabaret artist
Frans ter Gast
Dutch artist
Michel Velleman
Dutch magician who died in Sobibor prison camp
Johan Elsensohn
Dutch actor, playwright, writer and cabaret artist
Paul Collin
Dutch singer and comedian
Lou Bandy
Dutch singer and conferencier
Henk Stuurop
Dutch singer and cabaret artist
Gerrit Keizer
Dutch little person and artist
Cor Ruys
Dutch actor and cabaret artist
Eduard Jacobs
Dutch singer, pianist and cabaret artist
Nederlands goochelaar
Dirk Witte
Dutch singer, writer and cabaret artist
Herman Tholen
Dutch cabaret artist
Ko de Laat Senior
Dutch singer and cabaret artist
Adriaan van Ierland
Dutch cabaret artist
Albert van Lier
Dutch pianist
Kees Pruis
Dutch singer and cabaret artist
Clinge Doorenbos
Dutch singer, poet, writer, journalist and cabaret artist
Jean-Louis Pisuisse
Dutch singer and cabaret artist
Bert Brugman
Dutch puppeteer (1896-1992)
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