43 people found
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Salomon Coster
Dutch clockmaker
Watse Watses
Dutch clockmaker
Douwe Tasma
Dutch clockmaker
Hendrick Joltrain
Watchmaker from the Southern Netherlands
Folkert Aleva
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Willem van de Berg
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Pieter van den Bergh
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Willem van den Bergh
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Paul Blondel
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Gerard Brandt
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Willem Bramer
Dutch scientific instrument maker (1660 - 1734)
Paulus Bramer
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Thomas Bramen
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Johannes van Ceulen sr.
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Johannes van Ceulen jr.
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Abraham de Casseres
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Jan Gobels
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Ahasuerus Fromanteel jr.
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Abraham Fromanteel
Dutch scientific instrument maker
John Fromanteel
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Peter van Call
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Jan Klaeszoon Koogies
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Jan Hendrik Spiering
Dutch scientific instrument maker
H. van der Kraan
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Wiebe Aleva
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Klaas Johannes Andriesse
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Klaas Johannes Andriesen
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Johannes Andries
Dutch scientific instrument maker
J.G. Auwers
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Franciscus Bavius
Dutch scientific instrument maker
H. Deutgen
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Christiaan Rijnaerts
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Lambertus Vrijthoff
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Jacobus van Wijk (1)
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Willem Snellen
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Jelte Stephanus Eisinga
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Simon Hoevenaer
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Claude Pascal
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Christopher Clarke
Dutch scientific instrument maker
Adriaen van den Bergh
Dutch clockmaker