138 people found
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Andrea Bendini
Giorgio Barba
Italian writer and teacher
Edvard Martinuzzi
Federica Vicino
Luigi Gozzi
Italian playwright and teacher
Vitaliano Trevisan
Italian writer, actor and playwright
Emanuelle delle Piane
Swiss playwright
Carlo Presotto
Italian actor and playwright
Alberto Gozzi
Italian playwright and writer
Emma Dante
Italian actress
Filippo D'Arpa
Italian writer, journalist and playwright
Fortunato Calvino
Italian screenwriter, theatre director, playwright and writer
Gianni Guardigli
Italian playwright and writer
Federico Tiezzi
Italian actor, playwright, theatre director and writer
Michele De Vita Conti
Italian theatre director, playwright and writer
Paola Tiziana Cruciani
Italian actress and screenwriter
Peppe Celentano
Italian playwright, theatre director, actor and writer
Francesco Niccolini
Giuseppe Manfridi
Leonardo Echeoni
Italian artist, journalist, composer
Roberta Torre
Italian film director and screenwriter
Roberta Biagiarelli
Italian actress
Bruno Cappelletti
Italian dramatist
Alberto Severi
Gino Saladini
Italian physician and writer
Sergio Pacelli
Italian playwright and writer
Lorenzo Loris
Italian playwright, theatre director, actor and writer
Mara Cantoni
Italian playwright and writer
Matteo De Simone
Italian playwright and screenwriter
Pierfrancesco Poggi
Italian playwright, actor and singer-songwriter
Andrea Ciullo
Italian playwright, composer, artist and writer
Laura Curino
Italian actress and writer
Antonia Spaliviero
Giancarlo De Cataldo
Italian judge and writer
Arnolfo Petri
Maria Campagna
Mirco Alboresi
Fausto Sesso
Italian dramatist
Carlotta Clerici
Italian theatre director and writer
Luigi Salciarini
Italian lawyer