1,265 people found
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David Horn (Israeli physicist)

Tal Alexander
Israeli astrophysicist

David Horn
Israeli physicist

Issachar Unna
Israeli physicist

David Shapiro
Israeli chemist

Abraham Patchornik
Israeli organic chemist

Eilon Vaadia

Jacob Garty
Israeli botany

Ran Canetti
Professor of Computer Science at Boston University

Naomi Feinbrun-Dothan
Botanist, University Professor

Ronit Satchi-Fainaro
Prof. at Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv university, researcher.

Itzhak Benenson
Israeli geographer

Arnon Avron
Israeli mathematician.

Nati Linial
Israeli mathematician

Yeshayahu Leibowitz
Israeli intellectual

Ada Yonath
Israeli crystallographer

Saadia Amiel
Israeli chemist

Oded Hod
Israeli biophysicist and physical chemist

Anna Devor

Ruth Handzel
Israeli information scientist

Daniela Schiller

Ruth Arnon
Israeli biochemist

Stella Sergeevna Amineva
Azeri-born Russian and Israeli visual artist

Kobi Cohen-Hattab
Israeli geographer

Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Israeli physicist and management guru

Meir Wilchek
Israeli biochemist

Carynelisa Haspel
Researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0001-5786-3796

Shimon Eckhouse
Israeli entrepreneur and physicist

Anton Nosik
Russian journalist

Sergey Gredeskul
Soviet and Israeli physicist

Moshe Rishpon

Jacob Sadé
Israeli scientist

Haim Garty
Israeli biophysicist

Menashe Harel
Israeli geographer

Uzi Paz

Moshe Shoham
Israeli robotics professor

Hilik Magnus
Israeli geographer

Asaph Goor
Israeli agronomist

J. Hagin
Israeli scientist

Sigal Sadetzki
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