16 people found
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Gusztáv Szeberényi
Hungarian theologian, bishop and member of parliament
Gábor Szeremlei
Hungarian theologian
Gábor Szeremlei
Hungarian theologian
Lajos Filó
Antal Nagy
Római katolikus plébános, apát, székesegyházi kanonok, főesperes
János Kiss
Hungarian teacher of Protestant theology
János Surányi
János Kardos
Hungarian writer
András Tatai
József Bokor
Alfréd Szalay Imre
Hungarian theologian and prior
János Zalka
Theologian, bishop
János Nogáll
Hungarian theologian, priest and university professor
Gyula Meszlényi
Hungarian priest and theologian
Zsigmond Kovács
Hungarian theologian, bishop and chancellor (1820-1887)
Karl Thomas
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