42 people found
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Iski Kocsis Tibor
Zoltán Huszárik
Hungarian filmmaker
Hungarian artist and painter
Piros Tibor
Munkácsy-díjas grafikusművész
Mihály Bíró
Hungarian artist
József Faragó
Hungarian graphic artist and caricaturist
Gergely Bacsa
Hungarian graphic artist and caricaturist
Károly Józsa
Hungrian painter and engraver
Akos Szabo
Hungarian painter and graphic artist
Karoly Schmal
Ferenc Kovats
Hungarian physician
Robert Swierkiewicz
Antal Diósy
festő- és grafikusművész
Adám Sándor Ehrenreich
István Püspöky
Magyar festő- és grafikusművész
Gyula Fejes
Hungarian graphic artist
Elemír Halász-Hradil
Miklós Bodor
Graphic artist, lace designer, painter
Imre Simay
Hungarian artist (1874-1955]
István Zichy
Hungarian historian, painter and graphic artist
Móric Góth
magyar festőművész
Imre Dunai
Hungarian graphic artist, caricaturist and illustrator
Károly Mühlbeck
Tibor Imreh
graphic artist, painter
Dezső Bokros Birman
Béla Szilárdi
Hongaars kunstschilder
Antal Borsi
Magyar szobrász- és grafikusművész, pedagógus
Emil Siki
Hungarian-swiss painter, drawer and graphic artist
G. Kadar
Andor Sugár
Lajos Ebneth
Hungarian painter and sculptor
Tibor Szendrei
Hungarian illustrator
Joseph Cellini
Tibor Kiss
Hungarian painter, university teacher
Ferenc Csont
Arnold Gross
László Bokros
Hongaars kunstschilder (1928-2017)
Péter István Fábry
Graphic, photographer, film director