88 people found
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Péter Márton
György Pantó
Hungarian geologist, geochemist, vulcanologist
Károly Réthy
Hungarian geologist
János Treiber
Hungarian geologist
Sándor Koch
Zoltán Mezei
Hungarian pedagogue, biologist, geologist
István Dódony
Viktor Dank
Hungarian geologist
Ferenc Ajtay
Hungarian journalist, geologist and teacher
József Szabó de Szentmiklós
Péter Szablyár
Hungarian geologist
Károly Papp
Hungarian geologist and university professor
Miklós Monostori
Elemér Vadász
Hungarian geologist
Attila Ősi
Hungarian paleontologist and geologist
Gyula Szádeczky-Kardoss
Ferenc Wanek
Hungarian geologist, historian and university teacher
Antal Ádám
Hungarian geophysicist
Lajos Steiner
Magyar geofizikus
Attila Demény
Hungarian geochemist
Tivadar Böcker
Geologist, hydrogeologist
Lajos Lóczy
Hungarian geographer, geologist
Nándor Koch
László Ipó
Hungarian geologist
György Szentes
László Kordos
Hungarian geologist, paleontologist
Károly Bertalan
János Böckh
Rudolf Szigethy
Hungarian geologist and librarian
László Majzon
Hungarian geologist, paleontologist
Sándor Szakács
Hungarian geologist
Gábor Svajczer
Hungarian teacher and geologist
Tibor Zoltai
Professor of Geology, University of Minnesota
Ladislaus Rybach
András Tasnádi Kubacska
Geologist, paleontologist
László Jakucs
Hungarian geologist, professor
József Molnár
magyar geológusmérnök
Gyula Varga
Hungarian geologist
Zoltan de Cserna
Hungarian born Mexican geologist
Zoltán Hajnal
Hungarian geologist, geophysicist