134 people found
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John von Neumann
Hungarian-American mathematician and polymath
Ferenc Jánossy
Hungarian economist and engineer
György Honti
Hungarian chemical engineer
Gustav Wikkenhauser
Dennis Gabor
Nobel Prize-winning physicist and inventor of holography
Gabriel Kron
Engineer, mathematician and former member of the General Engineering Staff at General Electric
János Vasilescu
Mérnök, diplomata, vállalkozó, műgyűjtő
János Sváb
Hungarian engineer, university professor
Béla Julesz
Visual neuroscientist and experimental psychologist in the fields of visual and auditory perception
Antal Tárczy-Hornoch
Magyar geodéta, bányamérnök, egyetemi tanár, a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia rendes tagja
Zachemski Ferenc
Botka Imre
Peter Carl Goldmark
American inventor
István Bánó
Hungarian forestry engineer and Plant breeding
Jule A. Rabo
Hungarian chemist and chemical engineer
József Kucher
Frigyes Geleji
Magyar vegyészmérnök, egyetemi tanár
Béla Bartók
Hungarian engineer
Béla Vass
Márton Zilahi
Ferenc Gond
Hungarian mechanical engineer
Walter Endrei
Engineer, historian
David Gur
Hungarian born Israeli engineer
Sándor Guba
Hungarian agricultural engineer and member of parliament
Endre Reuss
Hungarian mechanical engineer
Samu Borbély
Jenő Fónay
Hungaran engineer
Zoltán Gyulay
József Lukács
Magyar villamosmérnök
Endre Misteth
Bridge engineer
Majer Antal
Lóránt Dénes
Hungaran engineer
János Kakas
Magyar bányamérnök, bányaigazgató
Pál Patay
Hungarian archaeologist, museologist
Alajos Vékássy
Hungarian mechanical engineer and university teacher (1908-1999)
Endre Akarat
Hungarian mechanical engineer
Gabor Acs
Hungarian architect
T. Peter Brody
Inventor of Active Matrix technology
Pál Horváth
Hungarian engineer
Frigyes Csáki
Hungarian electrical engineer