56 people found
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Manuel Estrada Cabrera
Guatemalan President
Antonio Batres Jáuregui
Guatemalan lawyer and diplomat
Rodrigo Rosenberg Marzano
Guatemalan lawyer
Miguel Ángel Asturias
Guatemalan writer and diplomat
David Vela
Guatemalan journalist and lawyer
Oscar Adolfo Mijangos López
Guatemalan politician, lawyer and university teacher
Adrian Vidaurre
Guatemalan lawyer
Carlos Guzmán-Böckler
Guatemalan sociologist and lawyer
Acisclo Valladares Molina
Guatemalan politician
Edelberto Torres Rivas
Guatemalan lawyer and sociologist
Ricardo Sagastume
Guatemalan politician
Mariano Gálvez
Guatemalan politician, governor of Guatemala
Vinicio Cerezo
Guatemalan President
Virgilio Rodríguez Beteta
Guatemalan lawyer and historian
Rafael Curruchiche
Manuel Valladares Rubio
Guatemalan writer and politician
Manuel Baldizón
Guatemalan politician, lawyer
Próspero Morales
Guatemalan lawyer, farmer and politician
Erwin Sperisen
Swiss-Guatamalan police officer
Alejandro Maldonado Aguirre
Guatemalan lawyer, politician and judge
Edmond Mulet
Guatemalan politician
José María Reina Andrade
Guatemalan President
Ramiro de León Carpio
President of Guatemala
Luis Lam Padilla
Guatemalan politician
Emilio Arenales Catalán
Guatemalan politician
Frank William La Rue
Guatemalan lawyer and civil liberties advocate
Manuel Alfredo Marroquín Pineda
Abogado y Notario y candidato a la Vice-Presidencia por el Partido de Avanzada Nacional en Guatemala
Miguel Ángel Gálvez
Juez y abogado guatemalteco
Óscar Berger
Former Guatemalan President
Donaldo Álvarez Ruiz
Guatemalan politician
Hector Efrain Trujillo Aldana
Dirigent esportiu guatemalenc
Leopoldo Guerra
Guatemalan lawyer
Manuel Conde Orellana
Guatemalan politician
Jafeth Cabrera Franco
Guatemala's Vicepresident
Eduardo Epaminondas González Dubón
Guatemalan judge
Juan Francisco Sandoval
Guatemalan lawyer
Luis Mendizábal
Guatemalan jurist and entrepreneur
Jorge Mario García Laguardia
Guatemalan jurist
Otto-Raúl González
Guatemalan writer and lawyer
Juan Fermín de Aycinena y Aycinena
Guatemalan author, notary and poet lawyer