15 people found
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Lucian of Samosata
2nd-century Syrian satirist and rhetorician
Georgios Klontzas
Greek Painter
Georgios Grivas
Cypriot general
Nikos Dimou
Greek writer
Apostolos Doxiadis
Greek writer
Idomeneus of Lampsacus
Greek philosopher
Dimitris Michalopoulos
Greek historian
Diocles of Magnesia
Ancient Greek writer
Ancinet Greek writer
Antigonus of Carystus
Ancient Greek writer
Antisthenes of Rhodes
Ancient Greek historian
Greek monk, disciple of the Syriac ascetic saint Simeon Stylites
G. Tsokopoulos
griechischer Biograph, Chronist, Journalist, Literat und Schriftsteller
Dimítris Lítsas
Greek painter and hagiographer
Ancient Greek biographer, grammarian and commentator
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