54 people found
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Roger Michael
British management consultant
James Martin (author)
British information technology consultant and writer
Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen
English homestyle consultant and television personality
David Davies
British broadcaster and consultant
David Pritchard
British chess player, chess writer, and indoor games consultant
Gian Fulgoni
British businessman
Edward Francis Leopold Brech
British business consultant
Richard O'Brien
British economist, futurist, author
Patrick Rock
British political consultant
Kevin Fong
British doctor
Anthony Henman
British-Brazilian anthropologist and activist for the decriminalization of coca
Chris Goss
British military officer and writer
Richard Barker
British healthcare consultant
Andy Oppenheimer
British consultant
Euan Edworthy
British businessman
Robert Schifreen
British computer security consultant
Dave Snowden
British academic
Sir Ian Davis
British businessman
John Leonard Thorn
British headmaster
Wally Olins
British brand consultant
Barry Wilkinson
British author, speaker, management consultant and business coach
Donald Clive Anderson
English military consultant and historian
Alex Deane
English writer, political commentator and consultant
Andrew Kakabadse
British management consultant
Phil Hall
British PR consultant and newspaper editor
Geoffrey Sumner
British banker
William Hanson
British etiquette consultant
Roger Harrop
British business consultant
Neil Lazarus
British political consultant
Paul Beynon-Davies
British scholar
Mark S. Joshi
British consultant
Steven Lawther
British political consultant
Robert Alexander Stansfield
British security consultant
Robert Stansfield
British security consultant
Roger Garside
British diplomat, consultant and author
Christopher Myers
British political consultant
Thomas Russell
English advertising consultant
Jonathan Ferrar
English consultant
Gavin Freeguard
British policy advisor and musician
Tony Campion
British consultant