123 people found
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Johannes Kepler
German mathematician, astronomer and astrologer

Hartich Sierk
Deutscher Landwirt und Chronist

Salomon Schweigger
German theologian and orientalist of the 16th century

Israel Spach
Deutscher Mediziner und Philosophiehistoriker

Hermann Kirchner
Dichter, Jurist, Hochschullehrer

Martin Opitz
German poet

Mark Welser
German politician and astronomer

Johann Peter Lotichius
German physician, historian and writer

Christopher Besoldus
German jurist

Antonius Aemilius
German author and historian

Philip Rubens
Brother of Rubens

Elias Reusner
Deutscher Historiker

Christoph Brouwer
Dutch historian

Philipp Clüver
German geographer and historian

Johannes Loccenius
German historian

Johannes Rosinus
German antiquarian

Johann Schreck
German missionary active in China

Johannes Wanckel
German historians

Peter Piscator
Deutscher orientalischer Philologe und lutherischer Theologe

Philip Rubens
Flemish archaeologist, librarian and philologist

Johannes Kornmann
* 1587 Hammelburg , † 16.1.1656 Marburg Prof. Dr. jur. – Jurist, Historiker, Professor

Georg Helwich
German historian

Joachim Dreier
German philologist and educator

Severin Binius
German historian

Johann Heinrich Meibom
German historian

David Herlitz
German mathematician and historian

Reinhold Franckenberger
German historian

Martinus Coronaeus

Aegidius Gelenius
German historian

Jakob Schober

Christoph Gewold
German lawyer and historian

Johann Freiherr von Mandl

Peter Sax
German regional historian

Friedrich Gerschow
German historian

Andreas Angelus
Pastor, teacher, chronicler of the Mark Brandenburg

Bernhard Latomus
German historian

Wolfgang Franz
German historian and theologian

Sigismund Weier
German mathematician, librarian, astronomer and historian

Georg Loth
German philologist

Daniel Heider
German legal historian