2,512 people found
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David Strauss
German theologian
Song Du-yul
German sociologist
Arno Münster
German lecturer and docent
Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker
German physicist
Friedrich Engels
German social scientist, author, political theorist, and philosopher
Gunnar Beck
German eu lawyer and legal philosopher
Emil Fackenheim
Israeli philosopher
Moritz Schlick
German philosopher
Judah Loew ben Bezalel
Czech rabbi
Johann Gottfried Herder
German philosopher, theologian, poet, and literary critic
Hans-Georg Gadamer
German philosopher
Erwin Panofsky
German art historian
Hermann Weyl
German mathematician
Karl Kautsky
Czech-Austrian philosopher, journalist, and Marxist theoretician
Christian Wolff (philosopher)
German philosopher
Walter Kaufmann (philosopher)
American philosopher
Francis Lieber
German-American jurist, gymnast and political philosopher
Moshe Feinstein
Great Orthodox Jewish Rabbi of the 20th century
Hermann Schmitz
German philosopher
Hans Blumenberg
German philosopher
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
German philosopher
Bernd Gräfrath
German philosopher
Johann Reuchlin
German humanist and a scholar of Greek and Hebrew
Ernst Cassirer
German philosopher
Immanuel Hermann Fichte
German philosopher
Rodolphus Agricola
Pre-Erasmian humanist
Wilhelm von Humboldt
German philosopher, government functionary, diplomat, and founder of the University of Berlin
Heinrich Scholz
German theologian
Niklas Luhmann
German sociologist, administration expert, and social systems theorist
Walter Benjamin
German literary critic, philosopher and social critic (1892-1940)
Franz Brentano
Austrian philosopher
Albertus de Saxonia
German theologian and philosopher
Edmund Braun
German philosopher
Hans Lipps
German philosopher
Karl Robert Eduard von Hartmann
German philosopher
Carl Schmitt
German jurist, political theorist and professor of law
Friedrich Schiller
German poet, philosopher, historian, and playwright
Johann Friedrich Herbart
German philosopher, psychologist, and founder of pedagogy as an academic discipline
Matthias Rath
German philosopher and educationist
Joseph Dietzgen
German philosopher