277 people found
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Ulrich Arnswald
German philosopher, economist, political scientist and university lecturer
Michael Merz
German mathematician and economist
Sven Voelpel
German economist
Ludger Woessmann
German economist
Michael Bilharz
German economist and social scientist
Oliver Marc Hartwich
German economist
Uwe Sunde
German economist
Andreas Kaplan
Bernd Zirkler
Tilman Brück
Korbinian von Blanckenburg
German university professor and economist
Benedikt Herles
German economist
Dirk Totzek
German economist and business professor
Jörg Niemann
German economist and university teacher
Jörg Rocholl
German economist
Thomas Staub
German economist
Tobias Kollmann
German economist
Timo Meynhardt
German academic
Stephan A. Jansen
German economist
Markus Scholz
Deutscher Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und Unternehmensethiker
Mark Mietzner
Henrik Enderlein
German political scientist and economist
Jakob von Weizsäcker
German politician
Gerhard Schick
German economist, politician
Franz Heukamp
Thorsten Sellhorn
German economist and university teacher
Heiko Andreas von der Gracht
German economist and author
Gerd Nufer
German economist
Alexander Straub
German businessman
Sascha Kraus
German economist
Philipp Sandner
German economist and professor
Oliver Thomas
German business IT academic
Gerd Hahn
German economist and university teacher
Marc Friedrich
Matthias Weik
Torsten Rohde
Deutscher Schriftsteller
Enzo Weber
German economist
Oliver Klein
German lawyer
Daniel Schallmo
German economist
Christian Vater
German bank teller