44 people found
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Steffen Mohr

Eckart Kröplin
German musicologist, theatrologist and dramaturge

Hans-Georg Bögner
German theatrologist, germanist and historian

Gerald Köhler
Deutscher Theaterwissenschaftler

Manfred Brauneck
German theatrologist and specialist in literature

Gerhard Ebert
German theatrologist

Gerhardt Gröschke
German author

Horst-Dieter Klock
German theater scholar, film production manager and children's book author

Gerald Siegmund
German theatrologist

Günter Ahrends
German theatrologist

Patrick Primavesi
German theater scholar

Rolf Rohmer
Theaterwissenschaftler und Germanist

Rainer Otto

Hartwin Gromes

Hajo Kurzenberger

Ralf Stabel
Deutscher Theaterwissenschaftler und Tanzhistoriker

Paul S. Ulrich
Deutscher Bibliothekar und Theaterwissenschaftler

Martin Revermann
German classical philologist

Lothar Schirmer

Udo Pillokat
Literaturwiss., Germanist, Professor mit Schwerpunkt Bühnenbild

Rolf Kabel

Christoph Albrecht
German musicologist and theatrologist

Gottfried Fischborn
German theatrologist and specialist in literature

Sieghart Döhring
German musicologist and theatrologist

Jan Berg
German philosopher

Manfred Wegner
German theatrologist

Peter Ibrik
German theater director, actor and intendant

Alexander von Maravić
German theatrologist and lawyer

Oswald Georg Bauer

Bernd Köllinger
German theatrologist and opinion journalist

Jens Roselt
German theatrologist and playwright

Hans-Jochen Irmer

Dieter Kraft

Dietrich Steinbeck
German theatrrologist

Gerd Burger

Franz Wille

Jens Heilmeyer
German actor

Ulf Birbaumer

Christoph Hamm