24 people found
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Christoph Probst
White Rose member
Paul Laporte
Born 1904; born in Munich; died ; died in ; Professor of art history, W. Pinder student
Berthold Wolffenstein
Born 1904-07-17 in Berlin-Charlottenburg [DE]; died 1975 in Haifa [IL]
Franz Xaver Dobmeier
Dt. Gymnasiast, bei einem Badeunfall in der Naab ertrunken
Richard Faktor
Wurde als angeblicher deutscher Spion in Nizhniy Tagil hingerichtet
Nitindranath Ganguly
Abraham Spitzer
Victim of the Holocaust
Laczi Farkash
Victim of the Holocaust
Jakob Grabski
Victim of the Holocaust
Hans-Werner Kempa
German student
Lothar Lang
German student
Fritz Lehrecke
Eduard Reikh
Victim of the Holocaust
Daniel Fridman
Victim of the Holocaust
Ivan Pun
Victim of the Holocaust
Gyula Roth
Victim of the Holocaust
Salomon Hasson
Victim of the Holocaust
Beniamin Presburger
Victim of the Holocaust
Avraham Prushkovski
Victim of the Holocaust
Menakhem Hauzman
Victim of the Holocaust
Mikhael First
Victim of the Holocaust
Dov Markovics
Victim of the Holocaust
Shalom Presburger
Victim of the Holocaust
Hirsh Grubin
Victim of the Holocaust
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