1,916 people found
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Albert Schweitzer
French-German physician, theologian, musician, and philosopher
Magnus Hirschfeld
German physician and sexologist
Max Talmey
American ophthalmologist
Paul Ehrlich
German biologist
Siegbert Tarrasch
German chess player, chess writer, and chess theoretician
Alfred Döblin
German expressionist novelist
Hermann Stieve
German physician, anatomist, and histologist
Arthur Arndt
German physician who survived hiding out with his family during The Holocaust
Kostja Zetkin
German politician and physician
Carl Tanzler
German-born American radiology technologist and erotomaniac
Nikolay Burdenko
Russian surgeon
Josef Arthur Schreck
German psychiatrist
Gerhardt Katsch
German physician
Siegmund Hadda
Deutscher Humanmediziner und Chirurg
Rudolf Abel
Julius Mayr
German physician
Albrecht Kossel
German biochemist and pioneer in the study of genetics
Fritz Kahn
German physician and author
Oskar Vogt
German neurologist
Max Gerson
German physician, originator of Gerson Therapy
Wilhelm Hagen
German physician
Fritz Pfeffer
German physician
Adolf Passow
German physician
Georg Hecht
, deutscher Arzt, Zionist, Literaturkritiker, Übersetzer und Lyriker
Hermann Hartmann
German physician
Alois Alzheimer
German neurologist after whom the old people's disorder is named
Friedrich Berthold Reinke
German anatomist
Hans Fischer
German chemist
Detleff Neumann-Neurode
German pediatric physical therapist
Bruno Kisch
German cardiologist
Max Hodann
Physician, eugenicist, sex educator, socialist. Wrote controversial sex education which saw him leave Germany
Eugen Fischer
German professor and a member of the Nazi Party
Albert Tafel
German geographer, doctor and explorer
Raphael Friedeberg
German politician
Solomon Bibo
German Yiddish trader in the American Old West; Hunkpapa Lakota medicine man and holy man
Albert von Schrenck-Notzing
German parapsychologist & psychotherapist
Teodor Obremba
Karl Heusch
deutscher Urologe
Otto Frank
German physiologist
Carl Joseph Gauß
German university professor