170 people found
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Nanne Meyer
German artist
Amrei Fechner
Barbara Kalender
German writer
Karin Schubert
German illustrator
Resi Chromik
German writer and translator
Jacky Gleich
German illustrator
Aiga Rasch
German illustrator
Anita Albus
German painter, author and illustrator
Sabine Friedrichson
Deutsche Illustratorin von Kinder- und Jugendbüchern
Margarethe Krieger
Heike Laufenburg
German illustrator
Heike Ellermann
German artist, writer and illustrator
Moni Port
German writer
Elisabeth Naomi Reuter
Deutsche Malerin, Illustratorin und Kinderbuchautorin
Gertrud Zucker
German illustrator
Edda Skibbe
German illustrator
Gertrude Degenhardt
German lithographer and illustrator
Astrid Henn
Barbara Lechner
Elinor Weise
Simone Klages
German illustrator
Birgit Weyhe
German cartoonist and illustrator
Isolde Baumgart
German artist
Julia Drinnenberg
German author and illustrator
Dagmar Elsner-Schwintowsky
Deutsche Grafikerin und Illustratorin
Sabine Wiemers
German illustrator
Irmela Maier
Deutsche Illustratorin
Mele Brink
Gaby van Emmerich
Deutsche Kinderbuchillustratorin, -autorin und Malerin
Amelie Glienke
German illustrator
Uschi Heusel
German illustrator and painter
Irmgard Zoll
German illustrator
Lauretta Rix
Kanadische Graphikerin und Illustratorin
Helga Paditz
Deutsche Gebrauchsgrafikerin, Illustratorin und Holzstecherin
Yayo Kawamura
Heidi Kull
Deutsche Illustratorin und Filmemacherin
Renate Totzke-Israel
German graphic artist and book illustrator
Uta Pilling
German musician, songwriter, and illustrator
Deniz Selek
German-Turkish writer
Uli Waas