26 people found
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Heinrich Giesecke
German postal clerk in the higher technical service and radio pioneer
Hugo von Babo
Deutscher Jurist und badisches Kabinettsmitglied
Gerhard Hagemann
Righteous Among the Nations
Michael Kastner
German judicial clerk
Friedrich Vogel
Chief clerk and councillor, Public Prosecutor's office, Hamm, Germany
Otto Meinecke
German court official at Eschershausen
Maximilien Christian Heinrich Schnug
greffier du tribunal de strasbourg
Gottfried Huemmer
Court official , Nuremberg-Fürth District court
Hermann Schoetensack
Civil servant , Reich Ministry of Justice
Hans Willers
Deputy ministerial director, Reich Ministry of Justice
Leib Teikhman
Victim of the Holocaust
Leopold Pemshtein
Victim of the Holocaust
Zoltan Farkash
Victim of the Holocaust
Dov Perl
Victim of the Holocaust
Dezho Falk
Victim of the Holocaust
Yaakov Emanuel
Victim of the Holocaust
Dezider Fonio
Victim of the Holocaust
Egon Pelizaeus
German bank clerk
Aba Bermanski
Victim of the Holocaust
Yaakov Prizant
Victim of the Holocaust
Aharon Veisvol
Victim of the Holocaust
Betzalel Prizant
Victim of the Holocaust
Yana Farago
Victim of the Holocaust
Yitzkhak Pesakhson
Victim of the Holocaust
Yanek Hilfshtein
Victim of the Holocaust
Zainvel Fal
Victim of the Holocaust
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