269 people found
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Hermann Göring
German Nazi politician, military leader, and convicted war criminal
Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen
German military officer and aviator
Gustave Whitehead
German-born American aviation pioneer
Rudolf Berthold
German fighter pilot
Rudolf Hess
German Nazi leader
Manfred von Richthofen
World War I flying ace
Oswald Boelcke
German First World War flying ace
Ernst Udet
German flying ace
Max Immelmann
German flying ace
Adolf Ritter von Tutschek
German flying ace
Carl Menckhoff
German flying ace
Werner Voss
German flying ace
Robert Ley
German Nazi politician
Hugo Eckener
Manager of the Luftschiffbau Zeppelin company
Gunther Plüschow
German explorer
Hermann Frommherz
German flying ace
Robert Ritter von Greim
German flying ace
Hans Baur
German military aviator
Max Ritter von Müller
German flying ace
Gustav Dörr
German flying ace
Gabriele von Schrenck-Notzing
Aviatrice allemande
Amelie Beese
German aviator
Gabriele von Schrenck-Notzing
Hermann Dahlmann
German aviator
Josef Veltjens
German flying ace
Bruno Loerzer
Officer in the German Luftstreitkräfte during World War I and Luftwaffe during World War II
Gustav Otto
German aerospace engineer
Gotthard Sachsenberg
German politician
Kurt Student
German Luftwaffe general during World War II
Erwin Böhme
German flying ace
Alfred Hildebrandt
Daniel Gerth
German fighter pilot
Karl Bolle
German flying ace
Otto Schmidt
German flying ace
Franz Steffen
German aviator
Hermann Köhl
German aviator
Karl Allmenröder
German World War I flying ace
Walther Wever (general)
German officer and Chief of the Luftwaffe General Staff
Lothar von Richthofen
German flying ace
Oskar Freiherr von Boenigk
German flying ace