457 people found
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Jacques Derrida
Algerian-French philosopher
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Lebanese-American essayist, scholar, statistician, former trader and risk analyst
Pierre Bourdieu
French sociologist, anthropologist, and philosopher
Alain de Benoist
French journalist
Pierre Clastres
French anthropologist
François Jullien
French philosopher
Michael Netzer
American-Israeli artist
Norbert-Bertrand Barbe
French painter
Bernard-Henri Lévy
French film director and philosopher
Emmanuel Fournier
French philosopher
Jacques Poulain
Philosophe français
Alain Badiou
French writer and philosopher
Gérard Huet
French computer scientist
Pierre A. Riffard
French philosopher
Pierre Kahn
French philosopher and historian of education
Michel Onfray
French philosopher
Sylvère Lotringer
French literary critic
Arno Münster
German lecturer and docent
Jean-Paul Curnier
French writer
Pierre Mouterde
Canadian sociologist, essayist and journalist
Jacques Rancière
French philosopher
Guy Debord
French Marxist theorist, writer, filmmaker and founding member of the Situationist International (SI)
Jean-Louis Déotte
French university professor and philosopher
Jean-Louis Chrétien
French philosopher and poet
Jean-Clet Martin
French philosopher
Jean-Luc Marion
French philosopher
Jean Borreil
French philosopher
Daniel Soutif
Art critic, Jazz critic, Exhibition curator
Patrick Tort
French philosopher and linguist
Jean-Marie Muller
French philosoph and activist of nonviolence
Bernard Stiegler
French philosopher
Jean-Joseph Goux
French philosopher
Alain Milon
French philosopher
Paul Clavier
French philosopher
Philippe-Joseph Salazar
French philosopher
Guillaume Barrera
French academic and philosopher
Michel Blay
French philosopher
Philippe Sollers
French philosopher
Michel Serres
French philosopher and historian of science
François Laruelle
French philosopher