14 people found
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Nicolas Mathieu Rieussec
Bernard Henri Wagner
French watchmaker
Antoine-Louis Breguet
French watchmaker
Jacques Rocquet
French watchmaker
Antide Janvier
French clockmaker
Jean-Baptiste Schwilgué
French clockmaker
Louis Berthoud
French watchmaker
Pierre-Basile Lepaute
French clockmaker
Jacques Joseph Lepaute de Belle Fontaine
French clockmaker
Jean Simon Bourdier
French master clockmaker
Joseph-Philibert Desblanc
French watchmaker
Jean-Joseph Lepaute
French clockmaker
Claude Pierre Raguet Lepine
Person; male; Clock and watchmaker. Son-in-law of Jean Antoine Lepine (q.v.). Clockmaker to the king. The business carried on under the name Lepine until c. 1916.; clockmaker/watchmaker; French; 1753-1810
Louis Michel Rieul Billon
Horloger français
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