17 people found
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Hélène Delprat
French artist
Leila Alaoui
Moroccan-French photographer & video artist
Marta Jonville
French contemporary artist
Laure Prouvost
French artist
Camille Ducellier
French artist
Isabelle Cornaro
Mona Varichon
Vidéaste, éditrice franco-egyptienne
Maud Geffray
French musician
Peggy Moulaire
French graphic designer
Sylvie Blocher
French videographer
Chloe Champion
Frans videograaf
Minh-Thu Dinh-Audouin
French science journalist and writer
Corinne Béoust
French sculptor and videographer
Julie Béna
Frans kunstenares
Magali Desbazeille
Virginie Vota
Gabrielle Manglou
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