105 people found
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Ernest-Bernard Allo
French priest, theologian and religious servant
Alexis Lépicier
Catholic cardinal
Pierre Rousselot
French writer
Maurice Goguel
French historian
Wilfred Monod
French protestant theologian
Charles Wagner
French writer
André-Damien-Ferdinand Jullien
Catholic cardinal
Alfred-Henri-Marie Baudrillart
Catholic cardinal
Georges-François-Xavier-Marie Grente
Catholic cardinal
Albert Houtin
French priest, historian and philosopher
Alfred Vaucher
French theologian
André Malet (abbot)
French theologian
Jacques Guilhem
French Catholic priest
Jean Réville
French theologian
Maurice Feltin
Catholic cardinal
Gabriel Piguet
French priest and theologian
Gaston Fessard
French theologian
Joseph de Tonquedec
French Jesuit priest and exorcist
Pierre David
Born 1882; died 1956
Antoinette Butte
French protestant theologian
Jean-Baptiste Bizouard
Joseph Lecler
French Catholic priest and theologian
Michel Andrieu
Born 1886; died 1956; VIAF 106966311
Joseph-Vincent Ducatillon
French Dominican monk, born Joseph Ducatillon
Jean Guibert
Born 1857; died 1914
Ryauon Fujishima
Japanese orientalist and theologian, naturalized French
Charles Jules Auguste Lebrun
French theologian
Nicholas Afanasiev
Louis Richard
French theologian
Adolphe Tanquerey
French priest, theologian and writer
Suzanne de Dietrich
French theologian
Michel Riquet
French priest
Gabriel Théry
French theologian and historian
Raymond Marie Martin
French Dominican theologian
Jacques de Blic
Prêtre catholique et théologien
Joseph Lacouture
French Catholic priest, theologian and literary critic
Stanislas Giet
Born 1898; died 1968; VIAF 233065432
Ludwig Seiler
Lic. theol., Rheinl. Pressepfarrer; Direktor d. Ev. Presseverbandes Rheinland in Essen; Pfarrer in Ostönnen (Westf.) 1945-1952; Schriftleiter des Deutschen Pfarrerblattes
Guy de Broglie
Savinien Louismet