816 people found
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Albert Tarantola
Spanish physicist
Pierre Tambourin
French biologist
Jacques-Marie Bardintzeff
French volcanologist
Hervé de Kerret
French physicist
Bruno David
French naturalist
Pierre Hohenberg
American physicist
Denis Jérome
French experimental physicist
Eva Kondorosi
Professor of Biology
Claudine Hermann
French physicist & academic
Jean-Luc Perrier
French scientist
Roland Lehoucq
French astrophysicist
Pierre Corvol
French physician and professor
Jean-Yves Dubuisson
French botanist
Jean-Pierre Dedet
French physician and microbiologist
Roland Sénéor
French physicist
Bruno Granier
Frédéric Dardel
French biologist
Annik Schnitzler
French ecologist
Marc-André Selosse
French mycologist
Jean-Pierre Legrand
Brigitte Kieffer
French neurobiologist
Ilan Marek
French-Israeli chemist
Dominique Meyer
French biologist and member of the Academy of Sciences
Michel Imbert
French neuropsychologist
Patrick Mehlen
Biologiste français
Serge Haroche
French physicist
Goéry Delacôte
French theoretical physicist
Pierre Benveniste
Biochimiste français
Anny Cazenave
French space geodesist
Henri Atlan
French biophysicist/philosopher
Peter Winiwarter
Stanislas Lyonnet
French geneticist
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
French physicist
Jean-Lou Justine
French parasitologist and zoologist
Maurice Goldman
French physicist
Bruno Mistiaen
Géologue et paléontologue français, spécialiste des stromatopores
Anne Joutel
French neurologist and medical geneticist
Axel Kahn
French geneticist
Jean-Baptiste de Panafieu
French biologist, writer and documentary filmmaker
Jacques Blondel
Frans bioloog