12 people found
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Marina Tchebourkina
French-Russian concert organist and musicologist
Anne-Catherine Bucher
Organiste et claveciniste française
Yasuko Uyama-Bouvard
French musician, organist, harpsichordist and music educator
Christiane Colleney
French organist and composer
Anne-Marie Barat
French organist
Dominique Rebourgeon
Französischer Maler, Grafiker, Bühnenbildner, Restaurator, Kunsterzieher, Organist, Pianist und Komponist
Michelle Leclerc
Frans organist en muziekpedagoog
Marie-Agnès Grall-Menet
French organist
Odile Pierre
French organist
Arlette Heudron
French organist (1935-1978)
Sophie-Véronique Cauchefer-Choplin
French organist
Lynne Davis
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