60 people found
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Ladislav Tauc
French neuroscientist
Patrick Cordier
French mountain climber
Julien Fournier
French neuroscientist
Henri Lorach
Thomas Bourgeron
French scientist & scholar
Pierre Karli
French neurobiologist
René Couteaux
French neurobiologist (1909-1999)
Jean-Baptiste-Vincent Laborde
French physiologist and editor-in-chief
Albert Moukheiber
French neuroscientist
Pierre Etevenon
Doctor of Science and Honorary Director of research Inserm
Mendel Schachter
Romanian-French neuropsychiatrist
Maxime Lehman
French neuroscientist
Robert Dantzer
French neurobiologist
Antoine Triller
French neurobiologist
Alain Prochiantz
French professor and neurobiologist
Alain Privat
Chercheur scientifique
Jean-Marie Besson
French neurobiologist
Alexandre Bonnin
French American neuroscientist
Philippe Albouy
Neuroscientist and university professor
Paolo Bartolomeo
Italian neurologist and neuroscientist