108 people found
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Étienne Colaud
French illuminator and bookseller
Master of François de Rohan
French manuscript illuminator
Meister der Münchner Legenda Aurea
French illuminator
Master of the Munich Boccacio
French artist
Master of the Rouen Echevinage
French illuminator
Jean Poyer
French painter
Maître de Spencer 6
French illuminator
Master of the Roman de Fauvel
French illuminator, active ca. 1330
Jean Miélot
15th-century French writer, translator, and manuscript illuminator
Guillaume II Le Roy
French painter
Guillaume II Le Roy
French painter
Master of Jean Charpentier
French illuminator
Vincent Raymond
Jean Pierre Rousselet
French illuminator
Master of the Harvard Hannibal
French illuminator
Maître de Philippe de Gueldre
French illuminator
Master of Jouvenel des Ursins
French illuminator
Coëtivy Master
French illuminator and painter
Jean Hey
Early Netherlandish painter of the Renaissance
Simon Marmion
Meister der burgundischen Prälaten
French illuminator and painter
André d’Ypres
French painter and manuscript illuminator
Georges Trubert
French manuscript illuminator
Jean Hey
Early Netherlandish painter of the Renaissance
Jean Fouquet
French painter
Jean Pichore
French manuscript illuminator
Enguerrand Quarton
French painter
Maître des Alarmes de Mars
French illuminator
Maître François
French manuscript illuminator
Étienne Compardel
French illuminator
Luçon Master
French illuminator
Claude Ruffin
Philippe de Mazerolles
French illuminator
Master of Charles of France
French illuminator
Peronet Lamy
French painter
Master of Charles of France
French illuminator
Richard of Verdun
Enlumineur parisien des XIIIe-XIVe siècles
Maître d'Étienne Poncher
French illuminator
Maître de Jeanne de Laval
French illuminator
Master of the City of Ladies
French manuscript illuminator and illustrator of the Book of the City of Ladies