25 people found
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Émile Durkheim
French sociologist
John Scheid
French historian of religion and professor
Hippolyte Rodrigues
French stockbroker, historian of religion and writer
Laurent Bricault
French archaeologist and historian of religion
Pierre Sauzeau
French academic and professor of ancient Greek
Nicolas Fréret
French linguist
Antoine Banier
French historian
Paul Foucart
French classical philologist and epigrapher
Georges Goyau
French historian and essayist specializing in religious history
René Nouailhat
French historian of religion
Henri Jeanmaire
French historian of religion and classical philologist
Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes
French historian of religion
André-Jean Festugière
William Arnaud
French historian of religion
Michel Andrieu
Born 1886; died 1956; VIAF 106966311
Jean-Luc Aubarbier
French litterateur
Marcel Launay
French historian of religion and professor
David Bensoussan
French historian
Menahem Macina
French historian of religion
André Berthelot
French politician
Philippe Pierret
French historian of religion
Georges Contenau
Jean Monval
Charles Malamoud
French historian of religion and orientalist
Emile Cailliet
Cailliet, Émile
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