301 people found
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Sylvestre Clancier
French poet, essayist and editor
Jean-Michel Mathonière
French essayist
Jean-Pierre Vesperini
French economist
Jean-Michel Besnier
French philosopher
Laurent Wetzel
French politician and essayist
Christophe Léon
French playwright, novelist and short story writer
Fatima Besnaci-Lancou
Pierre Itshak Lurçat
French lawyer, essayist, and founder of the ligue de défense juive
Paul Trouillas
French physician and essayist
Maurice G. Dantec
French novelist, essayist
Tzvetan Todorov
Bulgarian philosopher
Jean-Charles Massera
French writer, art critic, novelist and essayist
Jacques Sédat
French psychoanalyst and essayist
Alfred Gilder
French essayist and official
Renaud Camus
French writer
Virginie Hoifua Te Matagi Tafilagi
Guillaume Faye
French political activist and essayist
Anne Bernet
French historian
Belinda Cannone
French essayist
Lionel Ray
French poet
Ghislain de Diesbach
French essayist
Dimitri Casali
French essayist
Stéphane Rozès
French political scientist
Lucien-Samir Oulahbib
French sociologist
Jean-Paul Pellegrinetti
French historian
Thibaud Collin
Philosophe et écrivain français
Michel Fabre
French academic
Pierre Conesa
French official and essayist
Daniel Crozes
French journalist, novelist and biographer
Carmen Boustani
Benoît Rayski
French journalist
Christian Bouchet
Far-right french politician
Jacques Mazeau
French writer, journalist and comics artist
Pascal Bruckner
French writer
Jean-Edern Hallier
French writer
Catherine Lépront
French writer, novelist, essayist and playwright
Jacques Henric
French literary critic, essayist and novelist
Jacqueline Jencquel
French assisted suicide advocate
Gérard Montassier
French essayist and high-ranking civil servant
Guy Millière
French journalist