28 people found
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María Poumier
French docent

Marie-Germaine Bousser
French physician

Carmen Castillo
French screenwriter

Maryse Esterle-Hedibel
French sociologist

Brigittte Zanda
French astrophysicist & academic

Christiane Saulnier
French docent and historian

Anne Dagnac

Sylvie Vabre
Contemporary historian and French academic

Carole Hoffmann

Christine Aulenbacher

Xiaomin Giafferri-Huang
Chinese docent, writer and translator

Clotilde Druelle

Sophie Delaporte
French historian

Suzanne Champonnois
French docent

Annie Schnapp-Gourbeillon
historienne et archéologue française

Marie-Josephe Lussien-Maisonneuve

Catherine Lenne
French scientist

Nathalie Ponsard
French historian

Catherine Hodeir
French historian

Maria Cecilia D'Ercole
French historian

Marie-Hélène Bourcier
French sociologist and docent

Christine Lorre-Johnston
French anglicist

Martine Andernach
Sculptrice franco-allemande

Isabelle Cartron
French archeologist and historian

Claudine Wolikow
French historian

Laurence Guignard
French historian

Anne Wagner
Frecnh medievist historian

Sophie Hasquenoph
French historian
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