172 people found
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Jacques Raillon
French canon
Eugene Maurice, Count of Soissons
Italian noble
Guillaume de Mandagout
French archbishop and canon
Jean Tarde
French historian and canon
Joseph Robert
French canon
Claude de Rebé
French canon and provost
Palémon Glorieux
French historian and canon
Pierre Lespine
French Catholic priest and local historian
Vautrin Lud
Geographer and canon
Pierre Audigier
Jean Froissart
French writer
Jean Lesguisé
Jacques Debout
French canon
Jean-Marie Suchet
François Boursier
French abbot
Jacques Chevray
Prêtre et homme politique savoyard
Joseph-Elisabeth Lanjuinais
French canon (1755-1835)
Hippolyte Coste
French botanist
Antoine de La Porte
Augustin Crampon
Theologian and exegete
Jean Pèlerin
French canon
Paul Peyron
French canon and archivist
Henri de Savoisy
French canon
William of Æbelholt
Danish Roman Catholic saint
Paul Lieutier
Prêtre catholique, chanoine, écrivain et historien français
Jean-Baptiste Poulbrière
French writer and canon
Emmanuel Intxauspe
Basque writer
Alexandre Pons
French canon
Stanislas Gamber
French writer and canon
Vital Carles
Pierre de Lamballe
Henri de Lévis
Vice-roi de la Nouvelle-France
Étienne Célestin Enoch
French canon
Jean Ignace Cayer
French member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon
Henri de Gauchy
13th-century French translator
Pierre de Luxembourg
Catholic cardinal
Jean Girard
French canon
Alger of Liège
French priest
Jacques-Claude Aubert
Provençal priest and writer in Occitan language
French judge, canon