106 people found
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Françoise Mouly
Artist and editor from France
Jenny Gérard
Alain Lachartre
Fabien Baron
French art director
Jean-Pierre Jouffroy
French painter and sculptor, born 1933
Jacques Plait
French art director (1923-1994)
Émilie Chedid
Film & Art director
Angelo Foley
Olivier Bas
French art director
Arnaud Lapierre
French creative designer and art director
Thomas Lebrun
French choreographer and dancer
René Borg
French film director and art director
René Martin
French art director
Louis Alloing
French art director
Alain Carré
Metteur en scène, réalisateur et acteur de théâtre
Lolita Monga
Comédienne, metteuse en scène et dramaturge française
Perrette Pradier
French actress
François Audouy
Film production designer
Jérôme Alberola
Anne-Lise Koehler
Sculptrice, artiste et réalisatrice de films d'animation française
Mariel Primois
Carole Latifa Ameer
Directrice artistique et historienne de l’art
Charlotte Moundlic
Illustratrice française
Raphael Bretton
Set decorator
Richard Medioni
French journalist
Marie-Madeleine Rigopoulos
Peggy Huynh Kinh
Eva Coutaz
French editor
Serge Meirinho
French screenwriter
Eva Doumbia
Metteure en scène française
Jacques Haurogné
French singer, actor and artistic director
Jacques Colombier
French art director
Thierry François
French production designer
Thomas Lenthal
French art director
Sarah Naud
French art director and graphic designer
Patrice Caumon
French painter
Richard Cunin
Denis Raisin Dadre
French musician
Gil Boyard
Robert Massin
French graphic designer