339 people found
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Lenka Kotková
Czech astronomer, asteroid discoverer
Miroslav Balatka
Tschechischer Politiker, Geodät, Politiker, Geodät und Politiker
Yvonne Němcová
Kamil Hornoch
Czech amateur astronomer
Jiří Neustupa
Boris Cvek
Czech biochemist, opinion journalist and philosopher
Patrik Rak
Czech programmer
Richard Pokorný
Researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0003-4639-8950
Petr Baldrian
Czech microbiologist
Ondrej Slaby
Marek Svoboda
Jakub Vrána
Czech programmer and entrepreneur
Czech programmer
Pavel Cvrček
Czech programmer
Daniel Madzia
Czech paleontologist
Petr Heneberg
Czech arachnologist
Petr Svoboda
Czech biologist
Daniel Kráľ
Czech mathematician and computer scientist
Oto Tomecek
Slovenský historik
Pavel Bečka
Czech basketball player
Michal Žák
Czech meteorologist
Bruno Jungwiert
Czech astronomist
Adam Scheinherr
Jiří Hájek
Czech entomologist
Pavel Hrouzek
Karel Boublík
Kai Arne Springorum
Czech German climate activist
Zlatko Janeba
Czeck botanist and biochemist
Ivo Lukačovič
Czech blogger, billionair, entrepreneur and programmer
Tomáš Hudeček
Czech politician, mayor of Prague
Antonín Kučera
Český informatik
Michal Bursa
Czech astronomer
Pavel Hrouzek
Daniel Seidenglanz
Czech geographer
Zdeněk Palice
Botanist and lichenologist
Luboš Motl
Czech physicist and translator
Tomáš Mozga
Czech activist, biologist and chemist
Miroslav Žamboch
Czech writer
Pavel Jelínek
Czech physicist
Petr Cibulka Jr.
Czech political scientist