38 people found
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Ján Maliarik
Slovak writer and Esperantist
Ioanni Bakoš
Slovak orientalist
Alois Koudelka
Czech translator
Jan Bernardin Skácel
Czech roman catholic priest
Josef Bohatec
Austrian author and theologian
Alois Musil
Czech arabist, traveller, geographer, orientalist, writer and Roman Catholic priest
Jaroslav Beneš
Czech philosopher, professor, theologist, university educator and roman catholic priest
Gilbert Helmer
Prämonstratenser, Abt des Stifts Tepl
Franz Linke
Theologian, politician, priest, provost and vicar general
Gabriel Pecháček
Czech theologian
Antonín Chráska
Czech theologian
Alois Kudrnovský
��eský profesor fundamentální teologie
Josef Pindor
Evangelický duchovní a spisovatel
Adolf Poznanski
česko-rakouský rabín, judaista a teolog
František Bednář
Czech philosopher, historian, publicist, religion writer, professor, publicist, theologist, university educator and science writer
Josef Dvořák
Czech theologist
Josef Křenek
Czech theologian, parson of the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren
Antonín Eltschkner
Czech esperantist
Jozef Branecký
Slovak theologian, writer and catholic priest
Josef Hromádka
Czech philosopher, religion writer, professor, publicist, theologist and university educator
Josef Hauer
Jan Oliva
Gustav Korda
Josef Heger
Czech professor, translator, theologist, university educator and roman catholic priest
Jan Blahoslav Kozák
Czech Czechoslovak politician, philosopher, professor, translator, theologist and science writer
Franz Spirago
Tschechischer Theologe und Schriftsteller
Josef Šlechta
Czech parson
Karel Forst
Wilhelm M. Diessl
W. J. Gerber
Josef Souček
Czech theologist
Stanislav Zela
Czech theologist
Gustav Domabyl
Ferdinand Dokulil
Rudolf Urban
Theodor Czermak
Otto Loula
Adolf Kreuz
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