16 people found
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Josef Hlávka
Czech architect, philanthropist, entrepreneur and builder
Josef Ort
Czech philanthropist and fraudster
Bedřich Schnell
Czech philanthropist
Ferdinand Pravoslav Náprstek
Czech philanthropist
Kvido Stepanek
��eský podnikatel a filantrop
Alois Oliva
Czech member of Czech council, philanthropist and entrepreneur
Jan Bock
tschechischer Mathematiker, Philanthrop, Mathematiker und Philanthrop
Fred Austin
Alois Pollak
Physician in Prague-Vinohrady, honorary member of Palermo Academy, publicist
Pavel Vašíček
Český stavební inženýr, kurátor výstav, filantrop
Milan Deutsch
Czech artist, philanthropist and communications expert
Alois Richter
Anton Randa
Isak Landesmann
Gustav Geipel
Hugo Schick
Czech trader, local politician and commercial juror in Prague
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