214 people found
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Karl Friedrich
Czechoslovak senator of Czechoslovak National Parliament and german nation politician
Otakar Fleischer
Czech civil servant
Jaroslav Franc
Czech civil servant and editor in Nový Bydžov
Jan Mencl
Friedrich David
Czech politician and civil servant
Augustin Soumar
Czech civil servant and politician
Karel Goll
Czech civil servant in school administration
Arthur von Scheibenhof
Czech civil servant
Antonín Zemek
��eský úředník a muzejník
Jakub Ruml
Richard Ackermann
Czech postman, theater and bank director
Karel Klement
Josef Theumer
Czech member of Czech council and servant
John Sulan
Australian judge
Friedrich Albert Zimmermann
Zimmermann, Friedrich-Albert, 1745-1815
Robert Rauscher
Jakub Bamberger
Insurance broker, secretary and pomologist in Prague
Rudolf Steiner
Czech civil servant, also journalist in Vienna
Bohumil Smrcka
Dominik Blecha
City secretary in Havlíčkův Brod, Czechia
Josef Liehmann
District secretary in Zbraslav, Czechia
Vincent Vetter von der Lilie
Czech civil servant
Josef Andreas Huschak
Ferdinand Gerhardt
Josef Brechler z Troskovic
Czech civil servant
Karel Scheiner
Czech civil engineer and civil servant
Josef Schenk
Czech pharmacist, civil servant and textbook writer
Felix Weitenweber
Adolf Schwerak
Czech civil servant and music critic
Michal Sokol
City official in Prague-Smíchov
Karl Friedl
Jan Inderka
Czech high school teacher and civil servant
Karel Kytlica
P. P.
Johann Andreas Laff
Administrationsbeamter der Kron- und Kammerdomäne Temescher Banat
Jan Satrapa
Czech municipal and district secretary
Emil Wiesenberger
Czech lawyer and civil servant
Otakar Krkavec
Czech civil servant and translator
Josef Och
Czech journalist