143 people found
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Petr Pravec
Czech astronomist
Antonín Mrkos
Czech astronomist
Miloš Tichý
Czech astronomer
Milan Rastislav Štefánik
Slovak politician, diplomat, French Army general and astronomer
Jakub Kresa
Czech mathematician
Zdeněk Moravec
Czech astronomer
Kamil Hornoch
Czech amateur astronomer
Cyprián Karásek Lvovický
Bohemian astronomer, mathematician and astrologer
Karel Slavíček
Czech astronomist, christian missionary, mathematician and roman catholic priest
Luboš Kohoutek
Czech astronomer
Bernhard Marr
Václav Rosický
Czech astronomer and Esperantist
Wenceslas Pantaleon Kirwitzer
Czech astronomist
Tadeáš Hájek
Czech astronomist and mathematician
Marek Wolf
Czech astronomer
Jaroslav Zdeněk
Czech teacher
Marcel Grün
Czech astronomer
Martin Bacháček z Nouměřic
Czech astronomist, mathematician and university educator
Christian of Prachatice
Czech astrologist, astronomist, botanist, doctor, mathematician and theologist
Antonín Strnad
Czech astronomer and meteorologist
Vojtěch Šafařík
Czech astronomer and chemist
Jan Tesánek
Czech astronomist, physicist and mathematician
Jiří Grygar
Czech astrophysicist and astronomist
Dmitry Dmitrievich Maksutov
Russian astronomer
Petr Hájek
Czech member of Czech Parliament (2006–2010) and astronomist
Ignác Florus Stašek
Czech astronomist, photographer, educator, science writer and roman catholic priest
Hubert Slouka
Czech astronomist
Jiří Haas
Czech politician, astronomist, meteorologist and local politician
Francisco Zeno
Czech astronomer
Karel Rausal
��еський юрист, астроном-аматор
Zdeněk Horský
Czech astronomist and historian
Josip Kleczek
Czech astronomist and university educator
Bohumil Šternberk
Böhmischer Astronom, Pädagoge und erster Direktor der Sternwarte Ondrejov
Bruno Jungwiert
Czech astronomist
Antonín Bečvář
Czech astronomist
Josef V. Sadil
Tschechoslowakischer Fachredakteur bei einem Verlag, Astronom und Freizeit-Myrmekologe
Franz Ignatz Cassian Hallaschka
Czech astronomist, physicist, mathematician and roman catholic priest
František Nušl
Czech astronomist, mathematician and university educator
František Josef Gerstner
Czech physicist and mathematician
Michal Bursa
Czech astronomer