68 people found
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Ulyan Kasperovich
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Mikhalevich
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Kazimir Matskevich
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Loyko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Sergei Lawnik
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Lawnik
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Krivenki
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Anisim Krasnevski
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Jan Koreyvo
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Pavel Velichko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Yevgeniy Konon
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Pavel Konon
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Anton Kondratovich
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Denis Kondrashuk
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Nikifor Kokon
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Mikhail Kizhlo
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Ispravnikov
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Igolko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Fyodor Haranin
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Peotr Haranin
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Vladimir Demeshko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Denis Davydyonok
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Wincenty Ciechanowicz
Polish Righteous Among the Nations
Zot Chaikov
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Konstantin Bukato
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Foma Borok
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ivan Borovsky
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Gavriil Anufriyev
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations