77 people found
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Matrona Markevich
Anna Krupskaya
Soviet kolkhoznik
Halina Vasilenka
работница советского сельского хозяйства, Герой Социалистического Труда
Maryya Vishnewskaya
agricultora bielorrusa (1915–2000)
Hanna Belyavets
Nina Baranava
Domna Varats
Belarusian farm worker
Alena Yurkevich
Герой Сацыялістычнай Працы
Yuliia Haluza
B. 1870
Natalya Haluza
Belarusian farmer
Hanna Nikalayeva
Soviet/Belarusian dairy farmer
Natalya Stanko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Aleksandra Skripko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Maria Dybal
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Stefa Sokolovskaya
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Aleksandra Shumeiko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Pelageya Shashok
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Praskovia Shashok
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Yevgenia Shashok
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Agrippina Shashok
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Paulina Sharangovich
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Feoktista Semeshkina
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Aleksandra Sedlovskaya
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Natalia Kriveliova
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Natalia Schekalo
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Yadviga Schegelskaya
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Stepanida Rutzkaya
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Aleksandra Zvonnik
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Avdotia Yazymenko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Anna Yaskevich
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Yeva Vorobei
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Ulyana Volynets
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Lidia Volkovets
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Stefanida Tolochko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Maria Tolochko
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Janina Likhorad
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Melania Perednya
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Tasilia Pozniak
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Maria Pobolovetz
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations
Nadezhda Piletskaya
Belarusian Righteous Among the Nations